
[ethOS] 1.2.4 release


だいぶ日があいてしまいました。マイニング専用 OS の ethOS の 1.2.4 がリリースされていましたので、リリースノートを見てみようかと思います。一応私の残念な英語読解能力で解読してみました。間違っていたら指摘していただけると嬉しいです。

ethOS 1.2.4 変更履歴 (2017年9月3日リリース)

  • 大きな変更点  
DAG 発生によるハッシュレート落ちを修正することで RX シリーズ のハッシュレート改善
RX シリーズに電圧設定機能を追加
ethosdistro.com stats panel に RX シリーズに電圧の項目を追加
# RX ユーザは嬉しいでしょうね〜。

NVIDIA 製品の core, memory のオーバークロックの値の指定に (+), (-) による指定を許可
# GTX ユーザとしては嬉しいです。

teamviewer (使用はオプションです) を追加、実装には変更が必要です。
# teamviewer はツールっぽいけど、使うにはなんか変更必要そうですね。

ethosdistro.com の時間履歴を専用サーバに移行

# 素晴らしい

GPU のファンの回転を上下させることで GPU を特定するツール find-gpu を追加 (example: find-gpu 2)

ethOS config からリグ毎に wallet を設定できるように (参照 http://ethosdistro.com/pool.txt)

ethOS config から pool のイベント通知のために poolemail 設定をできるように (参照 http://ethosdistro.com/pool.txt)

ethOS config からRX シリーズの電圧設定をできるように。 (参照 http://ethosdistro.com/pool.txt)
ethOS config から claymore dualminer の設定ができるように。 (参照 http://ethosdistro.com/pool.txt)

ccminer を ethOS に追加  (参照 http://ethosdistro.com/pool.txt)
cgminer-skein を ethOS に追加 (参照 http://ethosdistro.com/pool.txt)
ccminer から NVIDIA の Monero 向けの out-of-the-box のサポートを追加 (参照 http://ethosdistro.com/pool.txt)
  • 不具合修正
4.8.x カーネルの RX 電圧読み込み機能を追加
iGPU が NVIDIA にも可能に。P106-style GPUs が意図したとおりに動くように。
NVIDIA の温度管理機能の改善
ethminer 設定に NVIDIA 向けの初期値を設定した
ewbf-zcach 向けに ethOS config から GPU 選択 sel コマンドを実装した
miner が始まる前に powertune を設定することによる NVIDIA のオーバークロックの不具合を修正
NVIDIA のオーバークロックがより効果的に効くように最適化することによる NVIDIA のオーバークロックの不具合を修正
amdmeminfo が正しく RX550 GPU を表示するように修正
Hynix MJR ディスプレイに正しく表示するように amdmeminfo を更新
ethminer の最新版をサポートするために、ハッシュレート 収集機能を修正
ewbf-zcash で正しい NVIDIA GPU を検索できるよう cuda-devices を ewbf-zcash に追加
# これは以前こちらで記事にした内容ですね。7 GPU 以上も自動で検出してくれるようになっているでしょう。
リブートによるファイルシステムの衝突防止のために、disk full の書き込みの監視
BIOS update server に BIOS の種類を追加
複数のリグが ethosdistro.com stats panel に表示されない従来からの不具合を修正
新しく追加した cgminer と ccminer に必要な依存ライブラリを追加
kaveri APU を Black list にしたマイニングとリポートを邪魔するとを防止するために。

Fixed bugs related to ethminer version gathering.
Added new command force-local to disable remote.conf
Prevented integated GPU from interfering with stats collection and display.
Prevented cosmetic errors from appearing if show miner is run soon after ethOS boot.
Prevented show miner from spamming with bogus data when miner is disallowed.
Fixed NVIDIA DPI issue that caused ethOS UI to appear incorrectly on large displays.
Added hardware error notification for NVIDIA-related crashes.
Added BIOSTAR ethOS theme for all BIOSTAR motherboards.
Prevented NVIDIA crashes from sending huge error messages to ethosdistro.com stats panel.
Reduced NVIDIA-related overclocking bug log file spamming.
Optimized NVIDIA-related stats collection to be less resource-intensive.
Audited all IRC support channel directions to point to the correct IRC channel.
Added simple redirects to various ethOS knowledge base sections.
Added "volts" column, added "Driver" column, and moved pool info color coding to "IP" in ethosdistro.com stats panel.
Optimized historical graph collection and serving on ethosdistro.com stats panel.
Optimized "IP list" serving on ethosdistro.com stats panel.
Removed possibility of potential log spamming associated with NVIDIA-related logs and crashing.
Added instructions for booting USB drives with UEFI mode to ethOS knowledge base (some motherboards require this).
Added instructions for imaging ethOS boot drives for OS X to ethOS knowledge base.
Added minimum/maximum watt (powertune) settings as a hover for NVIDIA GPU watts on ethosdistro.com stats panel.
Added dualminer hashes as a hover for "hashes" on ethosdistro.com stats panel.
Added historical graphs for NVIDIA watts to ethosdistro.com stats panel.
Added column for NVIDIA watts to ethosdistro.com stats panel.


ethOS 1.2.4 changelog (released September 3rd 2017)

Major Changes
Increased RX series hashrate by fixing hashrate drops caused by DAG growth.
Added ability to set voltage for RX series GPUs.
Added RX series voltage to ethosdistro.com stats panel.
Allowed NVIDIA-related overclocking for core and mem to be set by offset (+) or (-) values.
Added teamviewer (usage is optional) to ethOS and implemented required changes for it.
Moved ethosdistro.com historical graphs to dedicated server.
Updated all miners to their latest versions as of the date of this release.
Added find-gpu tool to find GPUs by revving its fan up and down (example: find-gpu 2)
Allowed per-rig wallet definition through ethOS config (see http://ethosdistro.com/pool.txt)
Allowed poolemail definition for pool event notifications through ethOS config (see http://ethosdistro.com/pool.txt)
Allowed RX series voltage to be controlled through ethOS config (see http://ethosdistro.com/pool.txt)
Allowed claymore dualminer definition through ethOS config (see http://ethosdistro.com/pool.txt)
Added ccminer to ethOS (see http://ethosdistro.com/pool.txt)
Added cgminer-skein to ethOS (see http://ethosdistro.com/pool.txt)
Added out-of-the-box support for Monero for NVIDIA through ccminer (see http://ethosdistro.com/pool.txt)

Bug Fixes
Added RX voltage reading ability for the 4.8.x kernel series.
Allowed iGPU to be enabled for NVIDIA, allowing P106-style GPUs to work as intended.
Fixed bug that prevented driverless boot from showing a terminal prompt.
Enhanced NVIDIA-related temperature throttling.
Set ethminer flags to known good defaults for NVIDIA.
Implemented sel GPU selection via ethOS config for ewbf-zcash.
Fixed NVIDIA-related overclocking bugs by setting powertune before miner startup.
Fixed NVIDIA-related overclocking bugs by refactoring NVIDIA overclocking to occur faster and more efficiently.
Fixed amdmeminfo to properly show RX 550 GPUs.
Updated amdmeminfo to latest version so that Hynix MJR displays correctly.
Fixed ethminer hashrate collection to support the latest version.
Added cuda-devices to ewbf-zcash so that it can better detect the total amount of connected NVIDIA GPUs.
Completed disk write audit for preventing possible filesystem corruption caused by reboots.
Added more stock and custom motherboard BIOSes to BIOS update server.
Fixed authentication bug that prevented some rigs from appearing in ethosdistro.com stats panel.
Added dependancies for newly added cgminer and ccminer.
Added kernel modules and patches for new kernel build.
Blacklisted kaveri APU to prevent interference with mining and reporting.

Cosmetic Changes and Cleanup
Fixed bugs related to ethminer version gathering.
Added new command force-local to disable remote.conf
Prevented integated GPU from interfering with stats collection and display.
Prevented cosmetic errors from appearing if show miner is run soon after ethOS boot.
Prevented show miner from spamming with bogus data when miner is disallowed.
Fixed NVIDIA DPI issue that caused ethOS UI to appear incorrectly on large displays.
Added hardware error notification for NVIDIA-related crashes.
Added BIOSTAR ethOS theme for all BIOSTAR motherboards.
Prevented NVIDIA crashes from sending huge error messages to ethosdistro.com stats panel.
Reduced NVIDIA-related overclocking bug log file spamming.
Optimized NVIDIA-related stats collection to be less resource-intensive.
Audited all IRC support channel directions to point to the correct IRC channel.
Added simple redirects to various ethOS knowledge base sections.
Added "volts" column, added "Driver" column, and moved pool info color coding to "IP" in ethosdistro.com stats panel.
Optimized historical graph collection and serving on ethosdistro.com stats panel.
Optimized "IP list" serving on ethosdistro.com stats panel.
Removed possibility of potential log spamming associated with NVIDIA-related logs and crashing.
Added instructions for booting USB drives with UEFI mode to ethOS knowledge base (some motherboards require this).
Added instructions for imaging ethOS boot drives for OS X to ethOS knowledge base.
Added minimum/maximum watt (powertune) settings as a hover for NVIDIA GPU watts on ethosdistro.com stats panel.
Added dualminer hashes as a hover for "hashes" on ethosdistro.com stats panel.
Added historical graphs for NVIDIA watts to ethosdistro.com stats panel.
Added column for NVIDIA watts to ethosdistro.com stats panel.

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